Appointment for 249 sportspersons
Approval was given to appoint 249 sportspersons in various departments in different posts from the select list of sports quota appointments of the years 2015-2016.
Five posts will be cut while notifying the vacancies for the 250 vacancies for the years 2020 to 2024 as five persons who have won medals in the Asian Games 2018 were already given appointment in General Education department as sports organisers.
Financial Assistance
Rs.8,76,600/- will be sanctioned from the Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund towards levelling and preparation of 0.4047 hectares of land to rehabilitate the dwellers living in unassessed land in Payam Gram panchayat, Vilamana village, Iritty taluk in Kannur district whose houses were fully damaged in the flood catastrophe occurred in 2018.
Rs.5 lakhs will be sanctioned from the Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund to Reena w/o late Ashokan, who died on 31/05/2024 due to asphyxiation caused by toxic gas while cleaning septic tank at Manathanath, Kalandithazham, Iringadanpally, Kozhikode. Rs.5 lakhs financial assistance will be given also to P.P.Saranya, wife of late Renish, who lost his life in the same mishap.
Rs.2 lakhs financial assistance will be sanctioned to Anees Muhammad, Thazhuthala village, Kollam by considering his financial hardships as two of his children have lost their lives after drowning in the panchayat pond, Maadachira.
An amount of Rs.50,74,900/- which is due on account of the remuneration to be paid to the guest faculty in Sree Kerala Varma College, who were employed from the academic year 2018-19 to 2022-23 after the sanctioning of new courses as per the order dated 12/07/2018, will be sanctioned.
To be included in the OBC list
The community Kallar, Kallan including Isanattu Kallar will be included in the list of Other Backward Communities in the state as item number 29 B.
Tender approved
The tender for reconstruction of Nedumankavu bridge across Ithikkara river in Kottarakkara constituency, Kollam was approved.
The tender for the work to execute FHTC, production components and water purification plant in Methipara for the houses in Ramamangalam, Marady and Pampakuda panchayats in Ernakulam district by including in the Jal Jeevan Mission project, will be approved.
Construction of playground
Conditional approval was granted on the request submitted by the chairman of Ramanattukara municipality for conversion of 2 acres & 40 cents land in Ramanattukara village, Kozhikode towards construction of playground.
Resolution to be presented
A resolution will be presented in the legislative assembly towards appealing the Centre as per the article 252 of the Constitution to take immediate measures to bring required amendments in the Government Securities Act 2006 as part of repealing the Public Debt Act 1944.
Waiver/concession in stamp duty and registration fee
Stamp duty and registration fee worth Rs.6,48,400 will be waived off towards registering five cents of land & house as gift deed in the name of each of the chosen five homeless people, from the land owned by Rev.C.Anitha, Superior General and resident of St.Joseph Generalate, Kurumulloor, Kottayam.
Stamp duty and registration fees worth Rs.2,31,270/- will be waived off towards the document registration needed to handover the ownership of 73 Ares of land owned by KSITL in Vallichira village, Meenachil taluk, Kottayam, to IIIT-K, Pala.
Concession will be given in stamp duty and registration fees worth Rs.43,83,820/- required for the registration of 213.26 cents of land in Thiruvangad village donated by Dr. Hermann Gundert Foundation to Malabar Cancer Centre – Post Graduate Institute of Oncology Sciences & Research.
Regular appointment will be provided to 25 among the 30 workers working on daily wage basis who have signed in the consent letter, in the existing vacancies of workmen, in Kerala Feeds company, who belongs to the 43 families, which handed over 9.5 acres of land acquired by government in 2009 to establish cattle feeds factory in Karunagapally, Kollam under the public sector undertaking the Kerala Feeds, subject to the conditions