Kerala Health System Improvement Program with the support of World Bank

The cabinet has given permission to implement Kerala Health System Improvement program by accepting Rs.2424.28crores ($280 million) loan from the World Bank. The project will be implemented in P for R (Programme for Results) model. Ensuring higher standard of living and life expectancy as well as enabling Keralites to build up their lives free of preventable diseases, accidents and premature death, are the main objectives of the project. Every interventions under the project will ensure the welfare of the poor. The project aims to build up robust healthcare facilities by addressing demographical and epidemiological conditions of Kerala towards extending value based healthcare. The project would help to effectively respond to the emerging threats including climate change and to improve the efficacy of healthcare machinery by coordinating with various departments.

Developing a robust eco-system to control non-communicable diseases, addressing the emerging threats to health as well as proactively respond to it by strengthening systems and adopting better approaches vis a vis climate change, strengthening emergency/trauma care services through 24×7 care facilities including ambulance & trauma registry, are also targeted.

Reinventing health care services towards resolving emerging and existing challenges in geriatric services with the intervention from the side of local bodies, strengthening human resources, expanding resources, universalising digital health applications and increasing allocation for health will also be implemented through the project. Providing effective services to the people below poverty line will get attention in the project.

Administrative sanction

Administrative sanction was awarded to build an IT building with an area of 5 lakh sq.ft by spending Rs.293.22 crores from KIIFB fund for the IT Park to be established in Kannur.


Posts of one Deputy Manager (technical) and one financial assistant will be created on contract basis for three years in Malabar International Port & SEZ Limited. The appointments will be done through the Kerala Public Enterprises Selection Board. One new post of Additional Government Pleader & Additional Public Prosecutor will be created for handling cases in Taliparamba additional district & session court and Taliparamba munsiff court. This will be implemented by abolishing the posts of Pleader to Do in Taliparamba Munsiff Court and Government Pleader post in the Taliparamaba Motor Accident Claims Tribunal.


J.Chandrabose will be appointed as the Managing Director of Travancore Titanium Products Limited.

Adv.A.Rajeev will be appointed as Kollam District Government Pleader & Public Prosecutor.

Increase in Share Capital

The authorised share capital of KCCP (Kerala Clays & Ceramics Limited) will be increased from Rs.4 crores to Rs. 30 crores.


The proportion between Under Secretary and Under Secretary (Higher Grade) will be revised from 2:1 to 1:1.

Purchase of vehicles

Approval was given to the Transport Commissioner to purchase 52 vehicles, which costs Rs.10 lakh each by utilising the money from the Kerala Road Safety Authority Fund to make the enforcement activities of Motor Vehicles department effective. The norm that the vehicles, which are more than 15 years old have to be scrapped, has necessitated this.

Tenure extended

The service tenure of A.G Oleena, Director, Kerala Saksharatha Mission was extended for one more year from 04/06/2024 onwards.

Job re-designation

The post of Deputy Manager (P&A), which is laying vacant in KSDP will be reactivated, re-designated as Deputy Manager (Projects) and eligibility criteria will be fixed.


Approval was given to implement long term contract of the workers of Steel & Industrial Forgings Limited with retrospective effect from 01/03/2018 onwards.

Transfer of ownership

4.332 hector forest land will be handed over to the Department of Forests for compensatory afforestation of Edaparamba-Kolichal hill highway. The ownership of the land will be handed over to the forest department as per the directives of central Ministry of Environment & Forests towards doing mutation of the property.

Tender approved

Tender for Elavoor bridge across Nedumankavu river in Kundara assembly constituency was approved.

Renewal of administrative sanction

Renewed administrative sanction will be issued for constructing artificial canal between Neeleshwaram River and Chithari River in Kasargod district and construction of Nambiarkal lock as part of developing West Coast canal. The administrative sanction was earlier given for an estimated amount of Rs.1,78,15,18,655 for 44.156 hectors of land and now the renewed administrative sanction has been given by increasing the estimated cost into Rs.1,79,45,06,172 since the area of land to be acquired has been increased to 44.4169 hectors.

Tender approved

Tender quoted for the work “Augmentation of WSS to Kollam corporation-Construction of Transformer Building and allied works, Supply & erection of Raw & Clear water pump sets, Construction of Electrical Substations, Automation (SCADA), CCTV & Solar panel installation at Raw water & Clear water pumping stations”, was approved.

To be leased out

It was decided to direct the district collector to lease out the 3.97 acres of land, which was under the possession of Kerala Books and Publishing Society (KBPS) to KBPS itself at a reduced rate (of Rs.100/- per One Are per year).

Stamp duty and registration fees to be waived off

Stamp duty and registration fees has been waived off for manufacturing units as part of Industrial policy 2023. Stamp duty and registration fees will be waived off for registration purposes for entering into lease agreement, for buying building/land for the entrepreneurs who are establishing manufacturing units in government industrial parks and notified private industrial parks in the 18 incentive projects under the 22 priority sector industries. It is subject to the condition that the department of industries shall ensure that the manufacturing units are creating greater employment opportunities.

Amount spend from the Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund

Rs.4,73,04,400 has been spent from the Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund from 29th January 2029 to 4th February 2029. The number of beneficiaries from various department is 1515. The district wise information is as follows:
District wise details are as follows:-
Thiruvavanthapuram – Rs.30,50,000/- for 94 people
Kollam – Rs.68,64,000/- for 229 people
Pathanamthitta – Rs.11,86,000/- for 50 people
Alappuzha – Rs.36,90,000/- for 77 people
Kottayam – Rs.16,08,000/- for 10 people
Idukki – Rs.13,28,000/- for 43 people
Ernakulam – Rs.41,58,500/- for 157 people
Thrissur – Rs.60,09,900/- for 178 people
Palakkad – Rs.60,36,000/- for 295 people
Malappuram – Rs.95,50,000/- for 234 people
Kozhikode – Rs.6,25,000/- for 35 people
Wayanad – Rs.3,90,000/- for 21 people
Kannur – Rs.17,26,000/- for 62 people
Kasaragod – Rs.10,83,000 for 30 people