Free Onam Kit
It was decided to distribute free Onam Kits, which contains essential commodities to the AAY card holders and inmates of welfare institutions of the state. Rs.32 crores will be sanctioned to Supplyco in advance for the purpose. A total of 6,07,691 kits will be distributed. There are 5,87,691 AAY cards. 20,000 kits will be distributed to the inmates of welfare institutions. The distribution of kits will be done through ration shops.

The kit consists of tea, green gram split, vermicelli payasam mix, ghee, cashew nut, coconut oil, sambar power, chilli powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder, green gram, toor dal, salt powder and cloth bag.

Approval for continuance

It was decided to give approval for continuance for 20 temporary posts for a period from 01/04/2021 to 31/03/2024, for which the approval had been given earlier up to 31/03/2021, in the ‘Land Acquisition Sections’ in the district collectorates of Alappuzha, Malappuram, Kasargode and Kannur.

K V Manojkumar, appointed as the Chairperson of Child Rights Commission

It was decided to appoint Adv. K.V.Manojkumar as the chairperson of Kerala State Child Rights Commission.